8 Tips for Controlling Glucose Levels Naturally

Por: Marcela

Discover the path to a balanced life: 8 tips for controlling glucose levels naturally.


Have you ever stopped to think about the importance of keeping your glucose levels under control for a healthier life? There is no doubt that health is our greatest treasure, and when it comes to controlling glucose, it is essential to take measures to achieve this goal.

The good news is that there are simple and effective solutions to keep glucose levels under control, and all naturally, without relying on medications or invasive procedures.


In today’s post I bring you 8 practical tips to help you control your glucose levels naturally. So, get ready to embark on this journey towards a more balanced and healthy life!

1- Balanced diet

Have you ever heard of the famous phrase “we are what we eat”? Well, she couldn’t be more correct! What we put on our plates not only affects our weight and physical health, but also plays a key role in regulating glucose levels in our bodies.


A balanced diet is essential to keep these levels under control naturally. This means including fiber-rich foods in your main meals, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which are digested slowly and avoid sudden spikes in glucose levels.

In addition, it is also recommended to include lean proteins and avoid sugary foods.

2- Portion control

In addition to making smart choices when eating, the quantity of food we eat is also important. Choosing smaller portions and practicing the habit of eating slowly, paying attention to our body’s signals of hunger and satiety, helps control glucose levels more effectively.

When we eat excessively, especially foods rich in simple carbohydrates, such as sugars and processed foods, it can lead to sudden spikes in blood glucose levels.

3- Regular exercise

For many people, including physical exercise in their daily routine can be quite challenging, but it is definitely worth making the effort! Practicing physical activity regularly not only helps control blood glucose levels, but also contributes to general health, both body and mind.

And the best of all is that it’s not necessary to spend hours and hours in a gym, even small changes, such as walking, dancing or exercising at home, can make a big difference. Take the test and see how your life changes!

4- Adequate hydration

Drink water, that simple! Staying hydrated during the day is essential for the body’s proper functioning and can help control blood glucose levels.

Furthermore, water is a healthy, calorie-free option, a great alternative to replacing sugary drinks that can cause glucose spikes. So, always keep a bottle of water nearby and make it your daily companion.

5- Stress control

When we are experiencing a stressful situation, our body releases hormones that can increase blood glucose levels. A simple way to combat stress is to practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga.

Even setting aside time to do something you really enjoy, like reading a good book, listening to music or going for a walk outside, are great alternatives. Therefore, prioritizing self-care and finding healthy ways to deal with stress can be an important part of your daily routine.

6- Quality sleep

Ensuring a good quality of sleep is also crucial, as lack of sleep can increase stress levels and, consequently, affect glucose levels. During sleep, the body recovers and regulates several metabolic processes, including sensitivity to insulin, the hormone responsible for glucose control.

In this sense, establishing a consistent sleep routine, avoiding distractions before bed and creating an environment conducive to rest, is all you need to get quality sleep!

7- Maintain a healthy weight

Excess weight can increase insulin resistance, making it difficult to control blood glucose. Adopting healthy eating habits and practicing physical activity regularly are essential to achieving and maintaining an adequate weight.

This may include eating a variety of nutritious foods, controlling portions, and avoiding excessive consumption of foods high in sugar and saturated fats. Likewise, it is recommended to incorporate physical exercise into your daily routine, helping to burn calories, improve insulin sensitivity and maintain a healthy weight.

8- Regular monitoring

Like the other tips, regular monitoring of your glucose levels is also essential. This can be done using a blood glucose meter, which allows you to check your glucose levels at home.

By monitoring regularly, you can identify patterns in your glucose levels and adjust your diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits as needed. Additionally, regular monitoring helps prevent episodes of hyperglycemia (high glucose levels) and hypoglycemia (low glucose levels), allowing rapid intervention when necessary.


8 Tips for Controlling Glucose Levels Naturally (Fonte – Canva)

Bonus: Natural supplementation

Some supplements, such as chromium, magnesium and alpha-lipoic acid, have been linked to improvements in insulin sensitivity and regulation of blood glucose levels.

Also, certain herbs and spices, such as cinnamon, ginseng and aloe vera, have been studied for their benefits in reducing blood glucose. However, it is important to remember that supplementation should be used with caution. Before starting to take any supplement, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Did you see how Controlling glucose levels naturally doesn’t have to be complicated? With a few simple lifestyle changes, you can keep these levels under control and promote optimal health. Put them in practice today and be surprised!

Marcela author
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